Blood is drawn from maternal fetuses during the killing process, by a method of cardiac puncture using sterile pockets of non-toxic material. The bags are quickly refrigerated and transported in conservatives to preserve the cold chain until they reach the laboratory. The staff is specially trained to perform this operation and is periodically supervised by a veterinarian.
We perform physical chemical and biological controls at all stages of the process to ensure the quality of our products in each batch.


The blood collection is individually for each animal in sanitized bottles taking care of maximum sterilization. The jars are quickly refrigerated and transported to preserve the cold chain until they reach the laboratory.
We perform physical chemical and biological controls at all stages of the process to ensure the quality of our products in each batch.

The blood collection is individually for each animal in sanitized bottles taking care of maximum sterilization. Bovine blood is processed immediately after obtaining it in high capacity refrigerated centrifuges. The sterilization of the product is carried out in a filtration train, with high quality and certified absolute filters, ending in a double sterilizing filtration up to 0.1 µm pore size. We perform physical chemical and biological controls at all stages of the process to ensure the quality of our products in each batch.

Fetal blood is processed daily in high capacity refrigerated centrifuges. The serum is extracted from the bags by a pressing system, under aseptic conditions under laminar flow hood. The sterilization of the product is carried out in a filtration train, with high quality and certified absolute filters, ending in a double sterilizing filtration up to 0.1 µm; pore diameter. The packaging is carried out in a pressurized area fed with air filtered by HEPA (class 100), under laminar flow. The packaged product is immediately frozen at freezer temperature. The serum is gamma irradiated at 25Ky through a validated process ensuring the inactivation of adventitious viruses and mycoplasmas, without affecting the integrity of the product. We perform physical chemical and biological controls at all stages of the process to ensure the quality of our products in each batch.

Each batch is made with raw material - Fetal Serum - controlled and selected, which is kept frozen (<-15 ° C) until processing. Fetuine is purified by chromatographic methods, ultrafiltration and sterile filtration. Then it is lyophilized. The product is gamma irradiated by a validated process ensuring the inactivation of adventitious viruses and mycoplasmas, without affecting the integrity of the product. For irradiation the indicated dose is: 15Ky We perform physical chemical and biological controls at all stages of the process to ensure the quality of our products in each batch.

Our freeze-dried fetal bovine serum was filtered in triple 0.1 and then freeze-dried.
The serum is reconstituted with sterile water.
1lt of liquid fetal serum is equivalent to 50g of lyophilised fetal serum.
Tests on cell growth indicate that the serum has the same potency in liquid and lyophilised form.